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Please read each Rule carefully which defines the conditions which one must govern themselves accordingly to bowl A Taste of DFW Bowling Tournaments aka “@DFW Bowling”. By registering for this tournament, he or she automatically agrees to the rules, regulations, and policies laid out therein.   Failure to read or acknowledge is no excuse.

Rules November 26, 2024.


Event Description

Heart2Heart Mixed-Doubles Handicap Tournament is hosted by A Taste of DFW's Bowling Tournaments aka "@DFW Bowling"

Tournament Date:    Saturday, February 8, 2025
Squad Times:            10:00am and 2:00pm (2 squads)  
Location:                   Forum Bowl, 2001 S. Great Southwest Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX  75051
Format:                      Two (2) member team consisting of a male and a female; 
                                   Bowls three (3) games (each squad)  - Also offer Team Alibis (aka Virtual Doubles)
Entry Fee:                  $80.00 per Team ($40.00 per bowler) 
Event Fee:                  Prize Fund $53
; Expenses: $27.00 
Prize Ratio:               1:10 (At least one (1) of
 ten (10) Team entries)



Each bowler must be in good standings with USBC and @DFW Bowling Tournaments. It is both the Team Captain’s and bowler’s responsibility to meet the requirements and abide by @ DFW Bowling Rules. Complete lineup(s) are due by February 6, 2025, limited walk-ins. Please submit final roster changes at least seven (7) days prior to this event for verification purposes. You may submit your lineup directly to the Tournament Director or Assistant Directors, online or text/call 214.998.9941. All bowlers must be prepared to show their identification, their USBC card and/or complete a Form 1099. On tournament days, entries and side action must be paid in Cash Only, No Checks, Credit Cards and/or Tabs allowed.


Got Questions?  
We have answers.

Team Cap and Handicap

The TEAM cap for this tournament is 440. All teams' total averages must not exceed 440, NO EXCEPTIONS! This also includes re-rates of an individual average that puts the team over the 440 cap, the Team will be disqualified with no refund. It is everyone's responsibility, including but not limited to Team Captains, Bowlers, Tournament Officials, etc... to participate and uphold the integrity of the sport with fair competition.


TEAM Handicap is 80% of 440 (the team cap). To calculate your TEAM handicap, please total the two (2) bowler's averages; subtract the total from 440, and then multiply the difference by 80% (.80). This will determine how many pins (per game) you all will receive for both the overall prize fund and Team event.


INDIVIDUAL Handicap is 80% of 220, with a maximum handicap of 60 pins per game for females, and 40 pins per game for males to use for individual side events and brackets.



@DFW averages are accumulated internal tournament averages from games bowled previously in @DFW Tournaments and certain UTB Organization tournaments (prior to January 2011), Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact @DFW Tournament Director, Leritha Pride for a printout of the actual scores previously bowled in @DFW Tournaments.  In addition, @DFW reserves the right to review internal averages of other Tournament organizations to determine an entering average and/or to modify an average as deemed necessary.


It is the TEAM CAPTAIN's and each BOWLER's responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/her average and handicap (USBC Rule 319e Average Adjustment for Entry).  Failure to use or submit the correct average (including re-rates) which results in a higher handicap (or Team cap overage) before and/or during the tournament, is cause for forfeiture of entry fees and prize winnings.   Tournament Officials reserves the right to re-rate the average of any bowler whose entering average does not accurately reflect their bowler’s ability.  The Team Captain's submission of Team entry fee, signature on the entry form or completion of the recap sheet indicates all information to be acknowledged, agreed upon, and true and correct.  


  1. Current @ DFW average of 18+ games

Bowlers will use their current @DFW averages of 18+ games as of November 26, 2024. Bowlers with 72+ (plus) games will bowl off their 72 game averages until a new @DFW average of the next 18 games has been established.


    2.  Highest 2023 -2024 USBC book average of 36+ games

If you do not have an @DFW average (18+ games), Bowlers will use their highest 2023-2024 USBC yearbook (36+ Fall season games).  If not enough Fall season games (36+) in one league, possibly their accumulative composite average with a review of the "prior" three (3) years history.   If the average is 10 PINS LESS THAN the previous year it will trigger a review of the "prior" three (3) years history with a possible re-rate.

The following Rule may also apply if using a USBC book averages:


Any bowler who uses an average in a USBC designated sports league (challenged, sport shot, tough shot or PBA/PWBA experience) will be adjusted for handicap purposes in accordance with the chart for USBC Sport Bowling League Average Adjustment to Standard Average. PBA/PWBA bowlers, please also refer to the Rules noted in the PBA/PWBA section of this document.


In addition, @DFW reserves the right to review internal averages of other Tournament organizations to determine an entering average and/or to modify an average as deemed necessary.


USBC Youth league averages are not acceptable.  USBC Summer league averages are not acceptable by itself, only if it's  included in a composite average  of 36+ games.


   3.  Current League Averages

Due to discrepancies and controversies in numerous tournaments, A Taste of DFW Tournaments "@DFW", DO NOT accept current league averages as verification of averages for any of @DFW Tournaments.  ​Bowlers are welcome to bowl @DFW tournaments once an USBC average of at least 36 games the previous year have been established in a sanctioned Fall league with a review of the "prior" years history (or  other Tournament average), if applicable.


   4. Non-verifiable bowlers

Non-verifiable bowlers of Rules 1 and 2 noted above for the 2023-2024 season, will use a 220 default or higher average based on a review of the prior years.  In addition, non-verifiable bowlers, without a prior year history will bowl off a 230.  PBA/PWBA bowlers, please refer to the Rules noted in the PBA/PWBA section below. 


PBA and PWBA Bowlers


@DFW handicap tournaments are open to PBA/PWBA bowlers (current or past) with the following specification:


1.  Only one (1) PBA/PWBA bowler (card holders, current or past) or winner of a PBA related tournament is allowed to          bowl on each team due to PBA experience,
2.  PBA/PWBA card holders are only allowed to participate in individual SCRATCH side events, with an exception to                participate in the TEAM high handicap side event, and only SCRATCH brackets,
3.  PBA/PWBA bowlers who do not have a 2023/2024 league average MUST add 10 pins to the default average (230              average) due to PBA experience.

4.  @DFW Directors have recently decided that once a PBA/PWBA card holder has established an average of 18+                    @DFW  tournament games and 3 years no longer on tour, he/she may participate in handicap side events.




Distribution of Team Prizes will be based on the top Total Handicap Team Series. In the event of a Tie, all positions that are involved in the tie will have their allotted amount totaled and split between the tied entrants.


Distribution of Side Events will be based on the top high category (scratch and/or handicap) and distributed after each game. In the event of a Tie, all positions that are involved in the tie will have their allotted amount totaled and split between the tied entrants.

The prize ratio is at least one (1) in each ten (10) Team entries. Entry Fee is  $80 per Team ($40 per bowler) (Prize Fund $53 –Expenses $27).




Check-in starts one (1) hour before bowling tournament begins. Bowlers must be prepared to show ID and USBC sanctioned card.  Changes to Team rosters must be reported 45 minutes prior to tournament start.  Rearranging line-up after start of tournament is strictly prohibited. 


Practice will be 15-minutes prior to competition. Bowlers arriving late will start in the current frame with zero (0) given for each frame missed. If equipment fails on a pair of lanes, tournament officials can authorize completion of game or series on another pair of certified lanes. ​


Tournament Management


Tournament Officials reserves the right to ensure fair tournament participation and to re-rate any bowler at any time.  If re-rating puts the Team over the cap of 440; your team will be disqualified without refunds.  It's everyone's responsibility, including but not limited to Team Captains, Bowlers, Tournament Officials, etc... to participate and uphold integrity of the sport with fair competition.  Any bowler who had their average re-rated by a local association or tournament organization must notify the tournament manager and must use the re-rated average in this tournament as well (see USBC Rule 319c).  Bowlers are to report an accumulated average of 21 or more tournament games within the last 12 months that exceeds the entering average by 15 or more pins (see Rule 319e).  Reporting of previous tournament winning shall also apply (see USBC Rule 319d). Tournament Officials also reserve the right to refuse any bowler.


Team Captains and bowlers are responsible for accurately reporting scores to tournament officials, including side events.   Any misrepresentation or falsifying scores will not be tolerated and can disqualify the individual and the entire TEAM, and all winnings of the individual and any TEAM event must be returned immediately. In the case of disqualification, no refunds of entry fee or side action will be given.


Please observe all Tournament Official rulings noted in this document.  In addition, any protest affecting eligibility, scores bowled, or general playing rules must be addressed with the Tournament Director at the time of the infraction and before prizes are distributed.  All other rules not stated herein will be governed by USBC rules of which the more restrictive of the two will apply.


The Tournament Directors and Officials will make final decisions regarding any protest and/or discrepancies.






Highest USBC avg
@DFW 18+games
Non-verifiable avg

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